Tuesday 18 December 2012

The end of the world? My ASS!

So many catastrophic things have happened recently; namely, the horrible shooting in Conneticut that killed 26 innocent people--what a tragedy.  It shook me to my core, because I was immediately aware that absolutely no one is safe, anywhere, at anytime.

And what about all the hype surrounding 'La Fin Du Monde' predicted for December 21st?  Can you believe the sheer nonsense of it all?  Honestly, I get up every morning and think: is this the last time I'll be waking up to brush my teeth/shower/work/see my family?  Utterly ridiculous. 

The media is powerful, but the human mind is even more powerful.  I always promised myself, to never let the media infiltrate my brain waves and affect my daily life.  And look where it's gotten me; I still fear that our world, as we know it, will be obliterated someday.  That gun shootings in 'safe' places will continue to occur because there are multitudes of unstable people in the universe and millions of people that illegally own guns.

I'll tell you what needs to happen:  We, as a species, have to hold on to goodness. We have to harness all the awesomeness we have in our lives and ride that beautiful wave.  We cannot let the media or the opinions of others, sway our thinking and disturb our karma.

My world, as I know it, cannot possibly end, yet.  I have plans.  I haven't had children yet.  I haven't been to remote parts of the world, yet.  I haven't reached middle age, yet.  I am a forty year old woman that has so much to live for, and frankly, this lousy 'end of the world' bullshit is making me irate.

Truthfully, I want it all.  I want the 'full enchilada'.  And if the fucking world blows up in two days time, it'll ruin my plans and I'd be mighty pissed off.  And G-d, in all his glory, wouldn't want me to be angry.  I'm a redhead.  'Nuff said...

The other day, my status update on Facebook was all about living your best life.  It highlighted the idea of taking risks, being bold, and relinquishing fear.  When I was in my 30's, I let the opinions of others rule my outlook on life.  And I've got to say:  in my 40's, it ain't goin' down like that--because I'm NEVER going to allow anyone to dictate how my life is going to play out. 

The end of the world will only occur when one has given up all hope.  If your mindset is negative, then you will attract doom and gloom.  Take it from me, the gal who at one point in her life was full of despair, the best way to live life is without regret.  Without trepidation.  Without worry.

The 'end of the world' is a farce.  It isn't true.  It won't happen.  Trust me.
What will happen, is a major shift in the cosmos.  A major movement in the human race is about to occur--because we are all aware and alive and it's time for change.  No one wants anymore hardship--we just want peace.   

It sounds trite but, you must live each day as if it's your last.  It's too bad, that it takes a major life-changing catastrophe, to make us hyper-sensitive to the possibility of death.

Honestly, you should fear death.  It should spark just enough fear in you to finally smarten the fuck up.  Start living your authentic life.  Don't wait any longer.  LIVE YOUR LIFE WITH GUSTO.