Tuesday 12 August 2014

When you look in the MIRROR, what do you SEE?

This past weekend, I attended the Can-Fit-Pro fitness conference and tradeshow, which takes place every August in downtown Toronto.  I can't accurately describe what this event does for my soul, but I thrive when I'm around thousands of other like-minded fitness professionals and for three straight days, I absorb everything around me.  There is so much 'eye candy' at this convention, it's startling.  My brain and body are physically challenged and I get so much pleasure out of networking and learning brand new concepts in the industry.  For me, it's electrifying.  In a nutshell, it's comparable to a summer camp for adults. 

I met a ton of phenomenal people this year, and it was also exciting to run into people that I used to work with from the past.  I attended some incredible sessions, some of which were master classes, others were informative lectures.  All in all, I took everything I learned back home with me.  The adrenaline that was coursing through my veins post-conference, was outstanding.  Even some of my friends took notice of my super-charged energy and unwavering enthusiasm as I described my experiences.

That's what I want to be remembered for.  I think it's important to leave your mark on the world--to have such a deep love for life and what you do,  that it seeps out of your pores and people sit up and take notice.  But, here's the kicker:  It has to be genuine.  NO COVER-UPS.  NO FACADES.  JUST THE NAKED TRUTH.

You know when I discovered that fitness was the right path for me?  When I started to sleep well at night, and my stomach wasn't constantly hurting.  When I attracted the right people into my life.  When I listened to my inner voice that applauded me for my efforts without external validation.  All good signs, right?  I took all the negativity and threw it out the window.  It was a heavy load, but I changed for the better.

I wonder if anyone else I met over the weekend was putting on a front and not being true to themselves..I bet there were multitudes of people carrying grief, angst, insecurity and negativity.  And that made me a little sad.  In a venue that promotes strength, well-being and gaining self-confidence, the masses still carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.

True story:  I met a unique fellow this weekend who had a powerful impact on me.  We hit it off instantly, like we'd known each other forever.  It's rare that I meet someone who I connect with so immediately, so I wanted to get to know him and find out what makes him tick.  Being fairly intuitive, I sensed that this person was being genuine and forthright in our conversations.  But there was something about him that I couldn't put my finger on...

Without going into a long story, I received an e-mail from him the following day that confirmed my suspicion--he told me something in writing that he was ashamed to tell me in person.  He thought that I'd be thrown off if I knew the truth when we were face-to-face.  NOT EVEN CLOSE.

In fact, I admired him that much more for being vulnerable and brutally honest with me.  I didn't care that he couldn't tell me his full story in person; it mattered that he cared enough about me and our new friendship to be honest via e-mail.  Words can sometimes be spoken and forgotten, but the written word is forever.  I like him even more now, because of his candor.

So, let me ask you, my readers:  When you look in the mirror, what do you see?  Are your eyes lit up with your truth, or are you covering up your reality with a bunch of lies?

Everyone you encounter has stories, some of which are easily shared, while others are carefully hidden.  But the heavy past that we bury can sometimes hurt us, deeply and profoundly.  We only trust certain people with our 'baggage' and are quite wary of our acquaintances discovering our secrets.   We put on masks to cover-up our pain.  We pretend like everything is status quo, when in reality, everything seems out of control.  I know how that feels, first hand.  BEEN THERE, DONE THAT.

It's easy to judge people for their wrongdoings and foibles.   It's not easy to be forgiving and understanding.  But, when you look in the mirror, you have to at least like what you see.  You should be able to see yourself as a person of strength and integrity and allow yourself to make mistakes and have setbacks.  Life is already too hard without beating yourself to a pulp for being imperfect.  After all, who really cares?  LET GO A LITTLE.  Mistakes are necessary stepping stones to becoming a better you!

BE AUTHENTIC.  People cannot connect with you if you're constantly trying to hide from yourself.  And this becomes a truly toxic situation the minute they become attached to your false persona.  So remember, no matter what age, race, sex, or sexuality you are, underneath all your external decorations you are a pure, beautiful being--each and every one of us are.  We each have light to shine, and missions to accomplish.  Celebrate being different, off the beaten path, a little on the weird side, your own special creation.  If you find yourself feeling like a fish out of water, by all means find a new river to swim in.  But do not change who you are; BE who you are.  Don’t deny yourself, improve yourself.