Wednesday 9 April 2014

Nature VS. Nintendo...WHO WINS?

The year was 1978.  I was 6 years old, and my father came home after work one day and gave me a toy that I literally rode into the ground.  It was a 'Big Wheel'.  I put sparkly stickers all over it, so I could always decipher which one was mine.   Everyone I knew had one.  It was the highlight of my youth, to ride that bike every single day. 

Today I see 6 year old kids with tablets, 'Game Boys', iPods and other fancy gizmos.  It really isn't that shocking to me anymore.  I scoffed when I recently saw a toddler at the mall, in his stroller, holding a tablet in his lap and staring at it, hypnotically.  Technology has definitely changed the course of history and the generations to come will most certainly acquire more toys and gadgets.  As a consequence, they will also have difficulties making adjustments in the REAL world. 

Lately, every teenager I see has a cell phone, and all these kids do is compete with each other.  Popularity contests are still won by wearing the latest fashions and vying for attention from members of the opposite sex.  Life is way too short for that shallow bullshit.  Too much time is spent worrying about stuff that won't matter to these kids in a year from now. 

I read an amazing article in the 'Globe and Mail' newspaper last week entitled, "Nature VS. Nintendo".  It blew my mind.  In short, it mentioned how today's generation is intensely addicted to the Internet, because it's the easiest way to communicate with their peers.  What's even more upsetting, is that they're spending less and less time outdoors and they're not getting enough regular exercise.  Obesity rates are escalating at an alarming rate. 

In 1982, when I was 10, all I did was play outside.  I had a bunch of friends at the time, who loved building forts in the winter, playing 'hide and seek', spending hours in the park.  I would come home dirty and stinking and I felt so happy, because I knew I'd have the chance to do it all over again, the following day. 

I wonder if the majority of today's 10 year-old kids have that kind of motivation and willingness to go outside and play, not because they HAVE to, but because they truly WANT to.  My guess is, not a huge percentage would opt for being outdoors, in nature.  They'd rather run to their game consoles, sit on their asses and munch on chips. 

As a fitness professional, I hate hearing/seeing parents enable their children as they gaze mindlessly at a television screen or play video games for hours on end.  What a great way to dull the mind!  Honestly, when I see a young person who is overweight, I just want to weep.  I wonder if they have good influences at home.  Life is hard enough as it is, and technology seems to be making a lot of things easier.  But today's kids are stressed, deeply sad, and some are even committing suicide because of peer pressure and bullying.  Guess what?  Technology is partly to blame for the chaos and destruction of today's generation.   It's getting WORSE.

I'm not a parent, so I really don't have the frame of reference that some of you reading this, do.  I simply wish for parents to be a better influence for their children.  Sure, rules are meant to be broken, and mistakes will most assuredly be made.  But, it's our job to inspire our youth, and encourage them to accept challenges, and take on new tasks,  and engage themselves in anything that will stimulate their minds in a positive way, so we can steer them away from their televisions, game consoles and computer screens. 

Generally speaking, most kids today are unhealthy.  They eat so poorly.  They get minimal exercise.  They look for what's convenient and easy.  And you know something?   It's such a shame, because it's these kids who will inevitably shape and mould our future generations.   I kid you not, the future looks bleak...

If you are a parent and you're reading this, and your kids use technology more than YOU do, it's time to redirect them into the great outdoors.  Now that spring is looming, make sure your kids have balance in their lives.  Get them to open their eyes to possibilities they likely can't see themselves.  Encourage them to broaden their horizons.  Influence them to jump into the unknown.  Believe me, the Internet will always be there.  It's only going to get bigger. 

So, WHO WINS?  Nature or Nintendo?