Wednesday 24 October 2012

Stretch your way to happiness...

For me, being a part of the ever-changing fitness industry is so rewarding.  Every single day at work, I'm bound to be asked questions about proper form and technique, or the best foods to eat, or the most effective exercises for weight-loss.  But, the most reoccurring theme that I've been asked of late is about stretching.  I have a theory about stretching the body, and maybe after reading this, you'll begin to change your mind about how it plays such an integral role in your life.

If you're a busy body like me, you don't like sitting still during peak hours.  I'm an early riser and I'm at my best between 7am and 4pm.  During those 9 hours, I stretch with participants during my fitness classes and/or with clients in their home.  I have always stressed that even a few minutes throughout the day of gentle stretching coupled with deep breathing, is rather beneficial for the nervous system.  Most of us are shallow breathers, and sometimes we only pay attention to the rise and fall of our bellies or chests when we're in a Yoga or Pilates class.  But, why can't we stretch at work, or while waiting in a line, or talking on the phone, or during commercials on television? 

This is what you should begin implementing, starting now:  the next time you're waiting for your program to come back on, or you're waiting in a queue for a customer service representative, stand up straight.  Hold your arms up, shoulder distance apart, keep your neck long and just inhale and exhale deeply for 30 seconds.  Then, while still standing, do some calf raises, lifting your heels off the floor for 50 repetitions.  It provides instant blood flow to your joints, and it wakes up your brain a bit.  Plus, it just feels good to circulate and invigorate your nervous system.  

Stretching is a vital component in your fitness profile.  Heck, it's important to stretch as much as possible and the majority of us aren't doing any stretches at all.  And that can lead to undue stress which accumulates in the body and mind.  So, begin at the beginning.  First identify where you're most tense and then find ways to bring fresh oxygen and blood into those tender areas.  For me, it's my neck, shoulders, lower back and hips.  When all four areas get stretched, I feel instantly uplifted and energized. 

Do you like rotating your hips?  What about trying supported back bends?  Shoulder rolls, neck tilts, standing knee lifts?  All of these are great examples of bringing fresh blood into the joints and muscles.  You need to do more stretching, starting now.

If you have a few minutes to read this blog, then you certainly have a few minutes to move your body around.  No excuses.  When you stretch, you will invariably improve the quality of your life.  You'll smile more, you'll be less agitated, you'll improve your memory, you'll sleep better at night, you'll be refreshed, you'll be inspired.  You'll wonder why you didn't start this sooner and with more regularity.

Whatever your fitness level is, you can do this.  The other day, I stretched at the coffee shop and people simply stared at me.  But, I didn't really care--I was intentionally trying to share my energy with my audience and ultimately prove a point--that stretching is so essential and should be a part of your daily routine. 

Vow to add an extra minute or two of scattered stretches to your daily life, and then make a note of how much better it feels to simply move more. This isn't some corny plea I'm trying to make; this is as real as it gets.  The more you stretch, the more improved your overall composition will be.  You don't need a full hour in a yoga class--you need a few minutes of YOU TIME, in your own time.

Be healthy, my readers. 

1 comment:

  1. Being fit and staying fit takes some work and one must be ready to invest some time to feeling good and looking good. The alternative is not so....shall we say...attractive?
    One one goal of exercise and stretching is to be healthy. But the bonus is that it makes you look better too. Win/Win
