Wednesday 28 January 2015

The urge to purge...

We're one month into 2015, and already I've experienced a 'mixed bag' of emotions since the start of New Year.  There were a few bumps on the road at the beginning of January, but I must admit:  it's looking rather bright as I peer ahead into the coming months. 

Every January, I tend to get very cerebral and over-think things regarding my career, my family, my close friends and myself.  I begin to do my house-keeping, if you will. 

I've never been more happy than I am today, in my chosen field.  I have totally found my niche.  But, like a chef who is only as good as his last meal, I have always thought that I am only as good as my last fitness class.  In my 20's and 30's, I was plagued with insecurity because I wanted everyone to like me.  But, in my 40's, I have purged the idea that I need to be a 'people pleaser'.  All I need to do is be me.  Take me or leave me.  And I truly feel confident about that. 

For me, my family is a great source of happiness.  I am utterly blessed to have such supportive parents, the coolest cousins, a fantastic husband and loving in-laws.  In my life, it's not uncommon for me to feel occasional disappointment from those who are closest to me.  I know that I'd like a better relationship with my only sibling.  I know that I'd like to be less reactive when the people who know me well 'push my buttons'.  I know that to live a life free of emotional stress, I must purge any toxicity that builds in my system (via communication) and still continue to function.  And I make a concerted effort to do that, every single day.

Oh, how I love my friends--especially the ones who have stuck around through all the stages of my growth.  I cannot express the joy I feel to have a small group of comrades who I know, without hesitation, would be alongside me if I needed them to be.  I have purged the idea that I need to have a plethora of friends to be content.  I merely need a handful.  I feel like I finally hit the jackpot in my 40's.  And another thing:  I recently eliminated 50 people from my Facebook page who no longer needed to be on my 'friend list'.  My new purge rule for social media is:  If I haven't seen you, spoken to you, had a meal with you in over 2 years, you simply aren't a part of my network.  No offence.  So, hey, if you're reading this, you're in good standing. You matter to me.  I think you're fascinating. 

And finally:  ME.  I bet you're wondering what I need to purge when it comes to how I view myself in this big, bad world.  I will tell you:

I need to purge the negativity that swirls in my head, from time to time.  I need to purge the anger I sometimes feel when I don't get my way.   I need to purge the sarcasm that seems to flow from my mouth like a waterfall, when I don't feel I'm being validated or heard (Note:  See my video blog on my Facebook page about my 40 day experiment).  And finally, I continually need to get real with the person I see in the mirror, every single day.  Life isn't perfect for me, it certainly isn't easy, but it needs to be lived and embraced, not strangled and suppressed. 

And so, my friends, I ask you this:  is there anything you need to purge this year, in order to live a life free of stress, anxiety and fear?  After all, FEAR stands for 'false experiences appearing real'.  What do you need to get rid of, once and for all, so you can be liberated from pain, anguish and heartache?  May I make a suggestion?

Get on that, right quick.  Don't delay your feelings of elation.  Do your very best to uncover everything that brings a smile to your face--the people, the things, the places, the experiences.  And never let that go. 

Make the move, kids.  It's your time to shine. 

Until my next healthy. 

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