Saturday 8 August 2015

Grab a plunger. Clear out the shit.

There's a fellow in my world that has the insight of a prophet, and whenever we chat together, I realize how fortunate I truly am, to be related to him by blood. 

My father, Peter, is totally in tune with the universe.   He's the kind of man you want to have in your corner.  He has so much to impart, and everything he says is, in my humble opinion, ACES.

A few months ago, after having breakfast at our favorite bagel spot, he gave me an analogy to think about, and since then, it stuck in my brain.  The concept is difficult to master.  But, it can be done. 

Grab a plunger.  Clear out the shit.

It's simple, really:  no matter what you're presented with, grab a plunger and suck out the obstruction.  Empty the pipes, so to speak.

It's so true.  Why do we put up with so much shit?  Are we masochists? 

Every time your body gives you cues or signals, that's your intuition talking to you.    Your body will never lie to you.  Pay deeper attention to it, every single day, without fail.  Don't ever stop listening to the pulse of your own vessel. 

When you're finally on the right path, you will KNOW it.

You have to be ready and willing to eliminate the crap that no longer serves you.  You can't hold off any longer. Don't let it fester any more than it already has. 

The clearer the path, the lighter you'll feel.  GUARANTEED.

So, go ahead:  be with the people who make you laugh and make you forget about your troubles, if only for a little while.  And do things that move you.  Make it easier for yourself.


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